Home press-release Lessons from 2020: Kevin Dreiling, Landmark Commercial Real Estate

Lessons from 2020: Kevin Dreiling, Landmark Commercial Real Estate

Lessons from 2020: Kevin Dreiling, Landmark Commercial Real Estate

The lessons learned or relearned in 2020 include the importance of communication, adaption, appreciation, and empathy. 

With home and business life more entangled than ever, constant communication amongst all is priority. How do we limit face-to-face meetings in a face-to-face business? How can we better support our clients during this craziness? What do we need to do to keep this deal alive? How do we properly address the property management situation from increased security to safety to continued engagement between tenants and landlords. Our industry has not grown to a halt — business owners — tenants and landlords continue to adapt. Ingenuity and creativity have bred success and/or survival. Many are trying to be good citizens, supportive business partners while facing internal and external pressures. 

Having a “bad day” has greater meaning when the next day and the day after looks tough. Acknowledging that this is not business as usual is important. Appreciation of the little things is important. Maybe there are no little things in 2020. Realizing the downstream effect of someone just getting exposed is enormous – one does not just “quarantine” then move on … babysitters cannot work, employees cannot get to work, working from home becomes a challenge. Every member of our team has been affected as has yours. Families have lost members and moments in their lives that will impact them forever. So yes, work from home today. Yes, take a day. Yes, we understand. How can we help? All true and all needed a bit more during these few months.

Final lesson, the value of just checking in with clients, customers, friends, and family. How are you doing? I really want to know. Sometimes I really want to answer.

Feature from The Wichita Business Journal.

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