Home press-release Comcare will move children’s programs to old Rainbows building

Comcare will move children’s programs to old Rainbows building

Comcare will move children’s programs to old Rainbows building

Comcare will move children’s programs to old Rainbows building

By: Deb Gruver

Published By: The Wichita Eagle

Comcare will move its children’s programs to the old Rainbows building in downtown Wichita under a lease approved Wednesday by Sedgwick County commissioners on a 3 to 2 vote.

The county’s mental health agency will rent 15,550 square feet at 320 S. Broadway and an adjacent one-story building at 329 S. Topeka.

Comcare director Marilyn Cook said the new lease will allow the children’s programs, now located in offices at Equity Bank at Kellogg and Rock, to be more centrally located and have access to a fenced playground. She also noted that the new location would have better access to public transportation.

The cost will be $13 per square foot for an annual total of $202,150. The lease is for 10 years with five one-year options to renew.

Commissioners Richard Ranzau and Karl Peterjohn voted against the lease, citing higher expenses.

Ranzau expressed concern that the per-square-foot cost would be higher than what Comcare is currently paying. He said the per-square-foot cost today ranges from $5 to $8. He told Cook that he understood the desire to be more centrally located but didn’t think it made sense for the county to spend more.

The lease includes utilities and janitorial service.

Craig Simon of Landmark Commercial Real Estate handled the deal.

Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/2013/11/20/3130304/comcare-will-move-childrens-programs.html#storylink=cpy

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