Home local-trends Crazy Jay’s Furniture & Sleep Shop to move to Parklane Shopping Center

Crazy Jay’s Furniture & Sleep Shop to move to Parklane Shopping Center

Crazy Jay’s Furniture & Sleep Shop to move to Parklane Shopping Center

Crazy Jay’s Furniture & Sleep Shop to move to Parklane Shopping Center
By Carrie Rengers
Publishd by The Wichita Eagle


WICHITA — Call him crazy, but J Williams is once again moving his Crazy Jay’s Furniture & Sleep Shop.

Crazy Jay’s is currently in about 14,500 square feet at Lincoln and Woodlawn. It’s moving to 15,000 square feet at the Parklane Shopping Center at Lincoln and Oliver in September.

This will make the fourth place the business has been since it opened in 1997 as Crazy Jay’s Bed Shop at 13th and Waco.

“What’s prompted the move (is), really, in my opinion this part of the neighborhood has really kind of died off,” Williams says.

He says a few businesses, including a diner, left the area. Williams says he’s now the primary anchor at the center he’s in.

“It’s just that there’s not a lot happening,” he says.

Williams started with 11,000 square feet at his existing space and added 3,400 square feet after Tuesday Morning moved.

“We’re kind of a happening business, and we need to be where things are happening,” he says. “It’s just kind of a logical move.”

At Parklane, he says he likes that Rent-A-Center and Basham Rent To Own also are there.

“We’re anxious to get on with the move,” Williams says.

He says the stockroom at his new space will be on a separate floor than the showroom, which is a step up from what he has now.

“The thing I never liked about this really is the stockroom is visible from the showroom.”

He says that created a warehouse feel, “which we don’t really like.”

Williams says the store, which is open seven days a week, will open in its new space around the third week of September.

Don Piros of Landmark Commercial Real Estate handled the deal.

“Once we get this situated, I am considering a west-side mattress-only concept,” Williams says. “I’d kind of like to go back to our roots.”

He says the west side is where he lives, and it makes sense to open a store there.

“There’s a lot of stuff going on out there.”

Read more here: http://blogs.kansas.com/haveyouheard/tag/landmark-commercial-real-estate/#storylink=cpy

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