Home press-release Kansas Legal Services to move to former Rainbows United space downtown

Kansas Legal Services to move to former Rainbows United space downtown

Kansas Legal Services to move to former Rainbows United space downtown

Kansas Legal Services to move to former Rainbows United space downtown

By Carrie Rengers

Published by The Wichita Eagle

WICHITA — The Wichita office of Kansas Legal Services is moving to a new home not far from its existing one.

The organization, which is based in Topeka, has offices in 11 counties throughout the state and offers a variety of legal aid to a variety of people and groups.

Currently, the Wichita office is in 7,000 square feet at 200 N. Broadway.

The new office is at 340 S. Broadway where Rainbows United used to be.

“This building is better suited for our needs,” says Rhonda Sullivan, managing attorney.

The new 8,400 square feet will offer more storage space and a conference room, which she says “makes me really happy.”

Sullivan says Kansas Legal Services has been in its current space a dozen years.

“We’ve changed a lot in those years.”

The new office should be open for business by Feb. 21.

“Ideally, we’re going to be moving over February 18,” Sullivan says.

Craig Simon of Landmark Commercial Real Estate handled the deal.

“That building is a great building,” he says.

Simon says the corporate offices of the Greater Wichita YMCA most recently were in the building and that the Y left work stations that Kansas Legal Services can use.

“They were very gracious.”

Professional Engineering Consultants, which is at 303 S. Topeka, owns the building where Kansas Legal Services is moving.

“It’ll be great to have that building occupied again,” says PEC spokeswoman Denice Bruce. “We’re looking forward to having new neighbors.

Read more here: http://blogs.kansas.com/haveyouheard/2013/01/10/kansas-legal-services-to-move-to-former-rainbows-united-space-downtown/#more-23792#storylink=cpy



Read more here: http://blogs.kansas.com/haveyouheard/2013/01/10/kansas-legal-services-to-move-to-former-rainbows-united-space-downtown/#more-23792 

Read more here: http://blogs.kansas.com/haveyouheard/2013/01/10/kansas-legal-services-to-move-to-former-rainbows-united-space-downtown/#more-23792#storylink=cpy

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